Thursday, October 23, 2008

Green roof examples

Earth House Estate in Switzerland

Australian Parliament Building in Canberra

The AKROS Fukuoka building

Images from:

Green roof detail

Image from:

Physical model


Labyrinth ventilation system

Some information on the ventilation system that I've incorporated into the libraries sub-floor, which is also the system used at Federation Square.


Perspective view

The timber louvers on the north facade

East elevation

West elevation

South elevation

North elevation

Rendered images

Birds eye view of the green roof

The symmetrical facade of the library flows with the landscape. The north facade is a curtain wall glazing with a operable timber louver system.

Modeling the library

Experimenting with modeling clay for the shape of the building envelope of the library. I have a curved building so that the roof of the building flows into the ground so that it can be accessible as a green roof.

Monday, September 22, 2008

How green roofs are built

This detail demonstrates the simplicity of a green roof.

Image from:

Advantages of green roofs...

- Aesthetics
- Insulation: Keeps the building warm in winter & cool in summer
- Noise insulator: Reduces the outside noise entering the building
- Reduces Urban Heat Island Effect: The buildings roof absorbs & radiates less heat, thus keeping the building cooler in summer!
- Great for stormwater runoff

3XN, Buen Cultural Housing

Another example of the landscape integrated into the roof of the building.

Images from:

Perkins + Wills, Helping Park, Tianjin, China

This project is similar to our masterplan as the landscape is carried out into the form of the building. The roof no longer becomes a useless space or a waste, but rather a space that can be used for leisure and landscaping.

Images from:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Video Presentation

Finished model

12am in Studio

Elena on the phone

Trying to keep my eyes open in front of the computer

Trying really hard to smile :)

Building the model

The central components being put together

Glazing on the external surface

Portal frame trusses


Central storage of the classrooms

Looking at geometric patterns

Exploring the nature of geometry and the shapes and patterns that can be achieved. The relationship between modular systems and geometry.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Esquisse Model

This exercise made us think on how we can achieve a maximum space with minimal materials. We came up with a stretchy material that can be placed anywhere to create a space.