Monday, September 22, 2008

How green roofs are built

This detail demonstrates the simplicity of a green roof.

Image from:

Advantages of green roofs...

- Aesthetics
- Insulation: Keeps the building warm in winter & cool in summer
- Noise insulator: Reduces the outside noise entering the building
- Reduces Urban Heat Island Effect: The buildings roof absorbs & radiates less heat, thus keeping the building cooler in summer!
- Great for stormwater runoff

3XN, Buen Cultural Housing

Another example of the landscape integrated into the roof of the building.

Images from:

Perkins + Wills, Helping Park, Tianjin, China

This project is similar to our masterplan as the landscape is carried out into the form of the building. The roof no longer becomes a useless space or a waste, but rather a space that can be used for leisure and landscaping.

Images from: